What is it to be human?In the early part of 2020, we set about creating an opportunity for humans to CONNECT, RELEASE, CREATE, EXPLORE - and an AWAKENING around one question: "What is it to be human?" Since it's inception a beautiful space has been held for a variety of conversations and contemplations around our favourite question... and reflections continue to be emerging...
iKLEKTIK circles provide a regular, on-going space for exploring eclectic and emerging themes. Engaging in topics that feel valuable and essential to enliven. Open to anyone and appealing to those feeling compelled to gather and be inquisitive together... A reflective and collective enquiry into important matters for our world
More initiatives will follow here...
iKLEKTIK experiements and experiences are diverse and wide ranging...
Some are one-offs and others are more regular core projects - and there's everything in between... More will be shared here in different forms |